by Christian Smith
by Christian Smith

It’s that time of year again. Days are lengthening, the dawn chorus is swelling, crocuses and daffs are up and swaying in the breeze. And though that breeze is bracing, even brutal, and a cold snap may be on its way, nevertheless this is a time full of promise and hope, with spring almost upon us, and plenty of delights to look forward to. These delights include the AGM, which this year will be held at 10am on Saturday, 1 April at the Taplin Centre on Upper Maze Hill. As ever, it would be lovely if you could make it – a show of support is always welcome.
It’s a quiet year with not much of note on the agenda for the AGM this year. There are a couple of additions to the rules regarding control of dogs and use of drugs. And we’d like to draw attention to the rules generally. To ensure that everyone is familiar with them, we’re asking all new and renewing members to download and sign a copy of them as part of this year’s subscription process. The amended rules will be available on the website from 2 April, which is when membership renewals open.
As for the amount, the cost of subscription for the coming year is £66 for family; £64 for couples; £62 for individuals; and £5 per dog. As reported previously, our beautiful Gardens are now so popular that we have had to cap membership, with more than 50 now on the waiting list. So please get your renewal in early! If we have spaces available, we will start to approach people on the waiting list from 14 April.
Meanwhile, the 420 young trees, hedge plants and shrubs donated to the Gardens from the Woodland Trust as part of its nationwide Big Climate Fightback project have just arrived. Luca will start planting them this week, with help from member-volunteers, as part of the regeneration of the boundary. Priority will be given to areas with gaps in the hedging or fencing, but the Gardens are still not as secure as they were, so please keep eyes on dogs, just in case. Many thanks to everyone who is helping out with the planting. If you would like to join in, please just drop us a line.
As for other boundary work, the hedge-cutting is now complete, but there is still some tree work, clearance of branches, and reinstatement of damaged bricks to walls still to be done – all of which is in hand.
And that’s about it for now. Please keep on keeping dogs under control, curbing excessive barking and picking up poo. It makes all the difference in the world. If you have any suggestions for a future newsletter, or for the Gardens generally, again,
– or tell us in person at the AGM. See you there!